
a sharer of processes,
a partner in thinking.

Collaborations with
Nel Verbeke, Katelijne De Corte, platvvorm, w wh at*, atelier lachaert dhanis, Dennis&did., Lsd2 (Sofie Lachaert & Siegrid De Myttenaere), Veerle Beckers, B-architecten, Studio Truly Truly, artecetera, Lieve D’hondt, Gents Universiteitsmuseum (GUM), Linde Freya Tangelder, Céline Gabathuler, Kasteelstraat1, Boy & Erik Stappaerts (BES), Marilou van Lierop, Kristof Lemmens, Wilfried Huet (GAGARIN), Gommaar Gilliams, Bram Vanderbeke, Daniël De Bruin, Charlotte Jonckheer, BRUT (collective), Lodewijk Heylen, Karel Verhoeven, Marius Ritiu, Anna Raimondo, Robbert&Frank Frank&Robbert, Sabine Oosterlynck, Alexander Popelier, Laura Lemaître, Laurens Mariën, Idriz Jossa, Royal Flemish Academy of Arts and Sciences, Young Academy Brussels, Nina van Bart, Reinier Bosch, DMW art space



Graphic Design: Laura Bergans
Webdesign: Mathieu Serruys



Dialogue broadens thinking.
Ideas, words, forms and meaning –
things viewed through different eyes,
touched and handled by various hands;
thoughts formulated again and differently –
what comes together will be challenged.


I am a sharer of processes. A partner in thinking.
I go along, I partake. So that we can scan the outlines, explore the peripheries, looking for those things that are keeping themselves hidden. Questions will be asked, answers will be suggested. I support, hold out, I add. I leave traces. New perspectives become visible.


My position is behind the scenes. ‘shadow-thinker’.
I affix myself to the plans of others, to the goals of whoever invites me. They are the motive for conversations, experiments, research and reflections: organized moments of collective thinking and acting. It is a temporary symbiosis, expanding personal competences and compensating limitations. It broadens the mind and deepens the practice. I leave the path as soon as it leads towards the spotlights and do not make any claim on authorship. My involvement is a service, an investment of ideas: I deal in insights.



The concepts are a frame – a delimitation of topics and themes, defining the meaning of the work. They are references to the world in which the work exists or from which it detaches itself. The conceptual space is a setting where imagination and meaning meet, limited by personal references and connections.

The collaboration allows for a refinement of the concepts. It allows us to renew them and question them. It points out and avoids personal limitations, it provides new references and relations.

conceptualization: choice of subjects, actualization of the concepts, sources and inspiration, exhibition and presentation concepts, scenography, research.


When a work is translated into words, a new, linguistic space emerges. A space in which things can become visible in a different way. The words continue the work and represent its meaning. Rather than a description or an explanation, the text is a transformation from a visual to a linguistic environment.

By searching for words together, that linguistic environment is enlarged with a new jargon, an alternative discourse. It allows for a consistent language, in which the work can re-encounter itself.

texts for exhibitions and works, dossiers, publications, contests, press, storytelling.


The (creative) process is the distance covered to reach a goal; an interaction between research and imagination, experiments and decisions. In its optimum condition, the process is a welcoming environment – dynamic and variable – influenced by what happened before, what happens now and what is about to happen.

It is a fragile route of thinking and acting, in which every choice has a counterpart, in which one can search and get lost, aim and find.

By allowing another person into the process, possibilities are explored more thoroughly and new unexpected paths become visible. It expands the reach, broadens perspective.

inspiration and sources, research, navigation, process support.


Every process – and all of its aspects – is in constant need of reflection and evaluation. The view is as much retrospective as it is prospective and introspective. It is a productive moment that allows actualization. The personal view often – involuntarily – neglects what is unnecessary or what could have been different.

By reflecting together, new things come to light, things that kept themselves hidden or that were on the sideline before. Assumptions and presumptions are revealed.

reflection as text, reflection as dialogue, state of work, prospection.